What does your core actually mean?

One of the most overused phrases in health and fitness – “you need to strengthen your core” “it all comes from your core” “use your core” but what the hell does it actually mean and how do you know if you have it turned on? 

Good question, read on to find out whether you have a core and what does having a core mean for you! 

Well, to start your core is not your 6 pack, in fact you can have a 6 pack and have a weak core. Your core is in fact what lies beneath your global muscle system (aka your cosmetic abdominals). The local muscle system is made up of several muscles including multifidus, transverse abdominus and obliques to just name a few.

These muscles first need to be retrained to activate as they are often overpowered by the much stronger / larger global superficial musculature. Once retrained, it’s time to strengthen and train for endurance tasks. 

Here are 3 great exercises for your “core

1. Supine Bridge 

2. Pelvic Tilt 

3. TA Activation 

Without activation, strength and endurance, you simply risk injury regardless of how strong your appear on the outside. By having a core you can exercise sustainably which means you can continue to build your strength, endurance and more importantly maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

So here is our proposal, let’s get rid of the overused and in our opinion the over rated word “core” and replace with foundation. Similar to a house, lay the foundation (local muscle system), build your walls (strength), put the roof on (sport, goal, functional or work specific) and then connect the utilities and keep them running (muscular endurance). If you want, then get an interior designer to fine tune your appearance to ensure you are instagram ready (no filter needed), but this final step is optional 🙂 

Just like a house, if you miss a step, things will fall down. You can’t put a roof on first can you? So why are you starting training in a gym without a foundation? Same same! So before you step into a gym and start squatting, running or bench pressing…. lay your FOUNDATION! 

If you need help laying your foundation or building your biological house, as Exercise Physiologists this is our specialty, so let us help you – book an assessment online! 

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