Allied Fitness


Looking for help with Chronic Pain management in Sydney?

Chronic pain is persistent pain for a constant period greater than three months or unresolved pain for greater than 6 months which occurs in 1 in 10 people. Chronic pain significantly impacts people’s quality of life and results in long term disability and inability to work. Chronic pain is highly linked with secondary mental health diagnosis. Did you know that 1.5 billion people in the world suffer from chronic pain? The number of individuals dealing with chronic pain is enormous, which is why we are here to offer pain management assistance to as many people as possible at our clinics in Sydney, and across Australia. We understand pain is a complex condition, but our team has the training and expertise to help reduce your pain.

How Sydney Exercise Physiologists can help with pain management:

If you are suffering from chronic pain it is vital that you break the trend, the habit of inactivity and fear avoidant behaviours due to pain. After all, no pain no gain which is what our exercise physiologists will work with you to overcome. Gradual, supervised and carefully prescribed exercise can result in increased function and reduction in pain which is why regular and consistent Exercise Physiology treatment is key for overcoming chronic pain. Continued exercise is the key for successful prevention of chronic pain and re-occurrence of chronic pain.

Providing pain management services at our clinics in Sydney and surrounds

Whether your pain is in your lower back, or elsewhere, if you need help coping, see the team at Allied Fitness who genuinely care about each patient’s health and wellbeing. We are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care to reduce your pain, and endeavour to restore your mobility and allow you to get on with your life. Call the friendly Sydney team today on 02 8003 7424 to book an appointment or fill in the form with your enquiry.

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